Weekday Homilies
Advent Lent Easter Ordinary Time Saints

If anything among the following helps email


Week 2

Friday Wisdom is vindicated 2007

Week 3

Tuesday We are happy to be the remnant around Jesus 2016

December 17-24

December 17 The family tree of Jesus: saint and sinner 2009



Ash Wednesday Giving up sin during Lent 2007

Related homilies: Refocusing on Jesus during Lent 2024

Week 1

Wednesday The sign of Jonah: preaching repentance 2012

Week 3

Wednesday Jesus did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it 2013

Jesus completed and perfected the Law and can complete and perfect us 2014

Week 4

Wednesday God’s mercy looks not at our past but to our future and potential 2007

Wednesday From Sabbath to Sunday: thinking transformed by Christ 2010

Week 5

Wednesday If you know the Truth, the Truth will set you free 2016

Wednesday Remaining in Jesus’ Word 2019




Wednesday We are the Disciples on the Road to Emmaus 2013

Friday Transformed by Meeting Jesus 2013

Week 2

Wednesday Sharing in the Life of Jesus now 2011

Wednesday God so Loved the World that he gave his only Son 2015

Week 3

Thursday John Chapter 6 - Jesus' Sermon on the Eucharist 2011

Week 4

Tuesday The Growth of the Early Church under Apostolic Authority 2009

Wednesday Responding to the Word of God 2008

Monday after Pentecost: Mary, Mother of the Church

Related Homilies: Mary carried Jesus and wants to carry you to heaven 2023

Gathered around Our Lady after Jesus’ Ascension 2018

Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the Woman of the New Covenant 2013

Mary interceded at the Wedding at Cana and continues to be our Advocate

Homilies on Our Lady


Ordinary Time

Week 1

Thursday Going to Jesus, Speaking with Jesus, Being Healed 2019

Saturday Levi's/Matthew's Vocation came from Jesus, not from the opinion of others 2014

Saturday Turning Bad to Good 2018

Week 2

Wednesday God’s Grace offered in a surprising new way - the Priesthood of Jesus 2009

Wednesday The opinion that really matters - God’s opinion of You 2008

Friday Jesus called the Twelve to be with him

Saturday Jesus High Priest of the New Covenant Misunderstood by his Relatives 2007

Week 5

Wednesday Eat what you want but love your neighbor! 2011

Wednesday Love flows from the Heart of Jesus to us  - Cor ad cor loquitur 2019

Week 15

Tuesday Trust in the Lord for his Blessing 2018

Wednesday Jesus' Prayer is a Model for our Prayer 2018

Thursday Jesus' Yoke is Easy and his Burden Light 2018

Week 19

Saturday You are my Inheritance, O Lord 2019

Week 20

Tuesday Nothing is impossible for God 2007

Wednesday We do not compare ourselves to others: in the Kingdom the last will be first 2016

Friday How can we receive the Holy Spirit to raise us up? 2006

Saturday Priests are Spiritual Fathers 2014

Week 21

Thursday Called to Fellowship with Jesus as we await his final Revelation 2012

Thursday Spiritual Fatherhood of St. Paul, Spiritual Motherhood of St. Monica 2015

Week 22

Wednesday The Church of Jesus Christ is never my Church but always his Church 2012

Thursday Answering Vocations from God - Examples from Scripture 2006

It’s okay to have nothing and be unworthy - Jesus does the rest 2011

Friday Jesus - new wine in new wineskins expanding our vision

Week 23

Tuesday If Jesus could use the Twelve Apostles with their weaknesses, he can certainly use us

Week 24

Wednesday Jesus, Friend of Sinners 2014

Week 26

Wednesday Where is your Heart? 2009

Wednesday Jesus Calls us because He Loves us 2015

Week 28

Wednesday Jesus’ Love and Burden 2019

Week 29

Wednesday Being Joyfully Prepared for the Son of Man 2016

Week 30

Wednesday Choose Jesus the Narrow Door 2013

Week 34

Wednesday Secure your Life by Perseverance or Suffer by Choosing false gods 2007


Proper of the Saints

January 21st - Saint Agnes

Saint Agnes

February 11th - Our Lady of Lourdes

Related Homilies: The Miraculous Medal and Our Lady of Lourdes

February 22nd - Chair of Saint Peter

Related Homilies: The Cathedra Symbolizes the Pope's Teaching Office 2007

You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church 2008

March 19th - Saint Joseph

 Related Homilies: Saint Joseph, Man of Faith, and Patron of the Church

May 14th - Saint Matthias

Saint Matthias - St. Peter healing scandal and strengthening the flock 2010

May 31st - Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Related Homilies: Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Most Blessed of all women

Mary, Ark of the New Covenant

August 22nd - Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Related Homilies: Mary our Queen 2007

A Poem: Ireland’s Queen

August 27th - Saint Monica

Spiritual Motherhood of St. Monica 2015

August 28th - Saint Augustine

St. Augustine's Preparation for his Death 2012

August 29: The Passion of Saint John the Baptist

The voice preceding the Word 2013

September 5th - Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta

St. Mother Teresa 2012

“If anyone wants to be first he must be servant of all”

Jesus is in My Neighbor

Loving God and our neighbor as ourselves 2006

Stories: "My God is called Love"

Do you think God is going to go bankrupt in New York City?

September 15th - Our Lady of Sorrows

Seven Sorrows of Our Lady

Mary stood beside Jesus’ Cross 2021

September 30th - Saint Jerome

St. Jerome 2009

October 1st - Saint Thérèse

Saint Thérèse

October 18th - Saint Luke

Saint Luke and his Gospel

October 28th - Saints Simon and Jude

Church structure arising out of Jesus’ prayer 2011

December 12th - Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe Conquered the Serpent 2006