Year C Homilies 
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6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 Assumption 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31 All Saints 32 33 34

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First Sunday of Advent

Watch and Stay Awake for Christ

Advent: Stay awake, praying at all times

Christ is the Solution 2009

Related Homilies: Advent: Preparing our hearts for the the Second Coming of Jesus

stories about Advent

Second Sunday of Advent

Welcoming Jesus at Mass 2021

Longing for God and God Searching for Us 2018

Making Room for Jesus in our Hearts during Advent 2015

Related Homilies: God is Offering You a Grace this Advent

Advent: Preparing our hearts for the the Second Coming of Jesus

Third Sunday of Advent

Happy in the Lord

Related Homilies: God is Offering You a Grace this Advent - Don’t miss out on it!

Advent - Preparing our hearts for the the Second Coming of Jesus

Commentary on joy: the joy of Jesus

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit and Mother of God

Stories: Strange light like embryo in Guadalupe

Christmas Season

See Homilies for Years A, B, and C

First Sunday: Baptism of Our Lord

See in Baptism of Our Lord in Years A, B, and C

Second Sunday

Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the Woman of the New Covenant 2013

Cana - God wedded to us in the New Covenant, Mary is our Queen 2007

Mary interceded at the Wedding at Cana and continues to be our Advocate

Related Homilies: Homilies on Our Lady

Third Sunday

Become what you read 2022

Your Word is a Lamp for my Steps and a Light for my Path

Related Homilies: They have the Scriptures, let them listen to them!

Second Reading: Paul in Corinth

Sunday of the Word of God

Homilies on Sacred Scripture

Fourth Sunday

From Denial to Trust 2022

Related Homilies: Today’s Gospel in the context of Luke 2007

Fifth Sunday

From "Master" to "Lord" 2022

If Jesus could use the Twelve Apostles with their weaknesses he can certainly also use us

Ridding ourselves of sin like Isaiah, Paul and Peter to follow the Lord in Peace 2007

Related Homilies: It’s okay to have nothing and be unworthy - Jesus does the rest 2011

People in the Bible Answering their Vocations 2006

Leave the Boat and build up God’s kingdom

Vocations in the Bible - Answering God’s Call

Homilies on priesthood

Christ continues to minister to us through his Priests 2012

stories about vocation

Sixth Sunday

Jesus’ description of happiness

Related Homilies: The beatitudes show us the heart of God 2011

Jesus’ prescription for happiness: the beatitudes

Jesus lived the beatitudes perfectly 2008

Are You Happy?

Only Jesus is Our Treasure

stories about about reversals

stories: dialogue on the Beatitudes

Seventh Sunday

Love your enemies

Forgiving 2019

Related Homilies: Homilies on forgiving others

stories about reconciliation  helping others  seeing God in others

Eighth Sunday

It is Good to Give Thanks to the Lord 2022

First Sunday of Lent

Overcoming Satan during Lent like Jesus in the desert 2007

Jesus our Model for Lent 2013

Lent: Consecration to Jesus 2022

Related Homilies: Refocusing on Jesus during Lent 2024

Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving during Lent

Dying and Rising with Jesus during Lent

Overcoming temptation and sin during Lent because we love Jesus 2008

From Ashes to New Life with Jesus 2020

Reliving the Temptations of Jesus

stories for Lent

Old Testament Readings during Lent

Second Sunday of Lent

Lent is a time to see Jesus with new eyes 2010

Jesus’ transfiguration: a lesson in prayer 2016

Related Homilies: Jesus always ready to forgive 2023

Listen to Jesus even as he predicts his passion and death! 2006

Prayer: entering the love of Jesus 2023

Jesus’ transfiguration reminds us who we are and not to be negative

First Reading; stars of the sky

stories about light of Jesus and light in Guadalupe

Third Sunday of Lent

Repentance for Salvation 2022

A Priest’s Near Death Experience and the Parable of the Fig Tree

Fourth Sunday of Lent

The Prodigal and his brother did not know their father. Do we know God? 2010

Parable of the Prodigal Son - we are like each of the sons 2007

Our Heavenly Father offers us all he has

Other Homilies on the Parable of the Prodigal Son:

To Err is Human, to Forgive is Divine. Begin Again! 2019

Saints have a past, sinners have a future

God waiting to welcome us back 2016

Related Homilies: Homilies and stories on the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Jesus’ words to St. Faustina about the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Begin again 2022

Book Excerpt: Cardinal Ratzinger on Freedom without lawfulness

stories about God’s Mercy  sin  confession of sin

Scripture Commentary on the Parable of Prodigal Son

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Begin again! 2022

Do not throw stones at others 2013

“Go and do not sin anymore”

Transformation during Lent 2010

Related Homilies: Homilies and stories on the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Jesus' words to St. Faustina about the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Begin again 2022

Holy Week to Easter Sunday

See Holy Week Homilies

Second Sunday of Easter

See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Third Sunday of Easter

Allow good to come out of evil 2022

Jesus forgives Peter and restores him

Related Homilies: Transformed by meeting Jesus 2013

Joy of the Gospel 2021

Begin again 2022

Second Reading Related Revelation/Apocalypse (Saints in Heaven)

stories about God’s Mercy

stories about conversion

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Jesus, the Good Shepherd: we are in his hand 2016

Related Homilies: Jesus the Good Shepherd carries us and lays down his life for us

Homilies on Vocation

Second Reading Related: Revelation/Apocalypse (Saints in Heaven)

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Jesus’ new commandment to love as he has loved 2022

Love one another just as I have loved you 2013

Related Homilies: Love of God for us 2009

Loving God with all our hearts and our neighbor as ourselves

Loving God and Neighbor—filled with God’s Light and Miracles Follow 2018

on loving others Seeing Jesus in others

Bear with one another charitably, love your children

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Loving Jesus and keeping his word 2022

Jesus in your House: give up the motorcycle! 2016

Related Homilies: Remaining in Jesus’ Word 2019

Remain in My Love 2018


See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Seventh Sunday of Easter

See homilies in Years A, B, and C


See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Corpus Christi

See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Ninth Sunday

Related Homilies: Today’s Gospel in the context of Luke 2007

Tenth Sunday

Allow God to meet you when you suffer and be transformed 2016

Related Homilies: Homilies on healing

Eleventh Sunday

Jesus can turn everything in our lives to good 2007

Related Homilies: Today’s Gospel in the context of Luke 2007

Second Reading: no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me

stories about God's Mercy

Twelfth Sunday

Growing to accept our cross

Related: Homilies on carrying our cross

First reading Jesus’ suffering as revealed by the Shroud of Turin

Psalm: mp3 meditation on Psalm 63 (quality reduced for 56k dial-up modems)

stories about carrying our cross

Thirteenth Sunday

Progressing from excuses to following Jesus 2022

Jesus prayed the Psalms daily and prayer satisfies our longings

Related Homilies: Vocation: Jesus doesn’t call the ready, he calls the willing

Vocation Stories in the Bible: Answering God’s Call

Fourteenth Sunday

Does God Really Love Us? 2019

The Peace of Jesus

Related Homilies: The Seventy(-two)

Fifteenth Sunday

Those by the roadside today 2022

Jesus is Your Good Samaritan 2019

The Good Samaritan: thinking purified by Jesus 2010

Father Damien of Molokai was a Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan: the Medicine of Love

Related Homilies: love of neighbor Seeing Jesus in others

If anyone wants to be first he must be servant of all

Today’s Gospel in the context of Luke 2007

stories about helping others

stories about seeing God in others

Sixteenth Sunday

Prayer is the oxygen of life 2022

Prayer: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus like Mary 2019

Mary at the feet of Jesus: Consecrated Contemplative Life 2010

Martha, Mary and Prayer

Homilies on Listening to the Word of God

Second Reading: Sharing in the sufferings of Christ 2008

stories about prayer

Seventeenth Sunday

Continue praying with faith 2022

Prayer: come before God just as you are 2019

Prayer can change the course of the future 2007

Prayer is good for you: keep praying

Eighteenth Sunday

Those who have God and Our Lady in their lives have everything 2022

Nineteenth Sunday

We go to Jesus and he feeds us 2022

Twentieth Sunday

Bringing Fire to the Earth

Taking a stand for Jesus

Twenty-First Sunday

Jesus is the gate to heaven 2022

Related Homilies: Choose Jesus the Narrow Door 2013

Today’s Gospel in the context of Luke (gathering of nations) 2007

stories: on the Last Becoming First

Twenty-Second Sunday

Who we really are: citizens of heaven 2007

Related: The journey from pride to humility

The greatest among you must be your servant

Book excerpt: Ruth Burrows on humility

stories about humility

Twenty-Third Sunday

What does God want me to do with my life? 2016

Related Homilies: Taking up our Cross after Jesus

Do we live the Faith we Profess or run from the Cross?

Carrying Our Cross after Jesus, disciples of Jesus

stories about our cross

Twenty-Fourth Sunday

To Err is Human, to Forgive is Divine. Begin Again! 2019

God waiting to welcome us back 2016

Other Homilies on the Parable of the Prodigal Son:

The two brothers did not know their father. Do we know God? 2010

Some of each son in us 2007

Our Heavenly Father offers us all he has

Saints have a past, sinners a future

Ring on our finger (homily excerpt)

Related Homilies: Jesus’ words to St. Faustina about the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Why confess sins to a priest?

Begin again 2022

stories about God’s Mercy

stories about sin

stories about confession of sin

Book excerpt: Ruth Burrows on humility

Twenty-Fifth Sunday

Faith shedding light on economics and politics 2022

Related homilies: Become rich in the sight of God and trust in Jesus

Enlightened to our Calling and Destiny

The glorious future awaiting us

Our Treasure in Heaven will be our Corporal Works of Mercy

stories about money

Second Reading: Homilies on Prayer

stories about prayer

Twenty-Sixth Sunday

The Rich Man and Lazarus: Thirst of the World for God and Jesus’ Thirst for Souls 2013

The Rich Man and Lazarus - we cannot go to God without our brothers and sisters 2010

They have the Scriptures, let them listen to them!

Related Homilies: Homilies on Helping Others

stories about helping others

Twenty-Seventh Sunday

During suffering, turn to God more than ever 2022

Faith and prayer sustain us during crises 2016

Have faith during crises

Increase our faith

Twenty-Eighth Sunday

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God 2022

Saved by Jesus 2016

Related Homilies: Jesus became like a Leper for us all 2021

Today’s Gospel in the context of Luke 2007

Saint Damien lived and died with lepers

Scripture Commentary: Jesus’ Ministry to the Samaritans (on page 2)

Twenty-Ninth Sunday

Waiting in Prayer for God’s Answer 2022

The Parable of the Persistent Widow: Persevere in Prayer 2010

Related Homilies: Homilies on Prayer

stories about persistence

Thirtieth Sunday

By admitting our sin to God, like the tax collector, we receive God’s Peace 2010

The Pharisee and the tax collector

Related Homilies: Joy of the Gospel 2021

The greatest among you must be your servant

Book excerpt: Ruth Burrows on humility

Thirty-First Sunday

Jesus wants to repose with us 2022

Related Homilies: Homilies on God's Mercy and Forgiveness

Remove the weeds from your life instead of judging the weeds in others 2008

stories about God’s Mercy

Thirty-Second Sunday

To God, all are alive 2022

The Resurrection: they are like angels 2010

Our faith helps us to endure suffering

Related Homilies: The Resurrection: the glorious future awaiting us

Belief in the Resurrection (excerpt of funeral homily)

Thirty-Third Sunday

Jesus is the way to the Father 2022

Your Perseverance Will Secure Your Lives 2016

Related Homilies: Faith in the resurrection enables us to endure suffering

When there is division because of Jesus we take a stand for Jesus

Thirty-Fourth Sunday: Our Lord Jesus Christ the King

Christ a Powerless King

Related: Good citizens of our country but God’s servants first: Jesus is our king

Good Friday Homilies