Homilies on the Sacraments

Baptism Confirmation Eucharist
Reconciliation Anointing
Matrimony Holy Orders

If anything among the following helps email

Jesus touches you when you receive the sacraments 2008

Every Grace in the Church and the Sacraments come from Jesus 2011

Sacrament of Baptism

We are sons and daughters of God our Father since our Baptism

Like Jesus you were Anointed with the Holy Spirit at Baptism

Sharing in the Salvific Effects of Jesus’ Cross through Baptism 2009

The Baptism of Jesus - Every Grace in the Church comes from Jesus 2011

Baptism Changes the Quality of Our Souls Forever 2011

Baptism - entering the tomb with Jesus and rising to new life with him

Living our Baptism for the rest of our lives

We share in the love between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit since Baptism

Healing through the Sacraments

Ephphatha: Christ raises us to a New Level 2012

Apostles' Creed at Baptism 2012

Sacrament of Confirmation


Related Homilies: Healing through the Sacraments

Sacrament of the Eucharist

Hungry for Jesus 2024

The Eucharist: the greatest gift 2023

From multiplication to transubstantiation 2021

Jesus’ continuing present with us in the Eucharist 2021

Jesus’ Body and Blood given for us 2021

Eucharist prophesied by the prophet Malachi 2010

Meet Jesus in his Real Presence in the Eucharist 2008

We meet Jesus at Mass like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus 2008

The Eucharist calls us to love and serve the Lord in others (homily excerpt) 2008

Is Jesus in the Eucharist the center of your life? 2007

Little Nellie of Holy God longing for Jesus in the Eucharist

Church of the Eucharist

Keep me company in the Blessed Sacrament

When we eat this bread and drink this cup...

Four Presences of Jesus when we celebrate the Eucharist

Jesus Our Healer

Let Jesus feast with you

The Real Presence of Jesus and Eucharistic Miracles

Simple Explanation of the Mass

my meditation on The Last Supper in Let’s Talk to Jesus

Stories about the Eucharist

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Jesus' Mercy

Saints have a past, sinners have a future

Meeting Jesus in the sacrament of reconciliation

As an examination of conscience, see the central part of Pope Francis' address to Personnel of the Holy See and their families on December 22, 2014.

Related Homilies: Begin again 2022

Return thanking God for the good that his mercy will draw out of our fault 2024

“Go and do not sin any more”

Let Jesus dispose of the garbage caused by sin

Jesus forgives Peter and restores him

The Passion of Jesus moves us to Repentance

If you love me you will keep my Commandments

Ridding ourselves of sin like Isaiah, Paul and Peter to follow the Lord in peace

God’s Mercy looks not at our past but to our future and potential 2007

The Prodigal and his brother did not know their father. Do we know God? 2010

By admitting our sin to God like the tax collector, we receive God’s Peace 2010

Do not throw stones at others - Jesus forgives you, do not sin again 2013

To Err is Human, to Forgive is Divine. Begin Again! 2019

Jesus, Friend of Sinners 2014

Joy of the Gospel 2021

Why confess sins to a priest?

stories about God’s Mercy

stories about confession of sin

stories about sin

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

Anointing: being taken by the hand of Jesus like Jairus’ daughter

Sacrament of Holy Orders

Homilies on the Priesthood of Jesus and his Priests of the New Covenant

Jesus and the purification of the Old Covenant Priesthood 2010

God’s Grace offered in a surprising new way - the Priesthood of Jesus 2009

Priesthood of the New Covenant 2008

Homilies on the Priesthood

The Blessing of a Priest 2017

Priests are Spiritual Fathers 2014

Christ continues to minister to us through his Priests 2012

Church structure arising out of Jesus’ prayer 2011

The ministerial priesthood serving the priesthood of all the faithful 2008

The Curé of Ars

Cure the Sick, Raise the dead

Homilies on Vocation

stories about priesthood

Sacrament of Marriage

Wedding Homilies

What God has joined together man must not divide

The Church’s unchanging teaching on Marriage

Related Homilies: God’s Plan for the Family

The Holy Family

The Marriage of Mary and Joseph

Bear with one another charitably, love your children

Jesus the Bridegroom loves the Church his Bride


Preserving virginity before marriage

St. Maria Goretti preserved her virginity

Blessed Alexandrina preserved her virginity


stories: old love

stories about family

Family Life in the Christian Community (Eph 5-6)