Homilies for Year A B C

To find the desired Solemnity, Holyday or other celebration click the links below or scroll down. It commences with Advent and progresses through the liturgical year.

Immaculate Conception Christmas Holy Family
Mother of God Epiphany Baptism of Our Lord
Presentation of Our Lord Annunciation Palm Sunday
Holy Thursday Good Friday Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday Divine Mercy Ascension
Pentecost Holy Trinity Corpus Christi
Sacred Heart Birth John Baptist Peter & Paul
Transfiguration Assumption Exaltation of Cross
All Saints All Souls Dedication Lateran

If anything among the following helps

December 8: The Immaculate Conception of Our Lady

The Immaculate Conception of Our Lady implicit in Sacred Scripture 2023

Our Lady Conceived without Sin 2020

Our Tainted Nature’s Solitary Boast 2016

God made a gathering of all graces called Mary

Immaculate Conception and the Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Immaculate Conception of Our Lady and the Miraculous Medal

Immaculate Conception of Our Lady

Related Homilies: Homilies on the Gospel (Fourth Sunday of Advent Year B)

Homilies on Our Lady

Four Marian Dogmas (end of pdf)

First reading Where are you?

December 25: Christmas

Christmas: God’s love for us and our love for Jesus 2022

Christmas: Jesus’ love for you 2021

Christmas: Jesus in the midst of chaos 2020

Christmas: God’s love for you is out of this world 2015

Christmas: mystery of God’s love (also in mp3 meditation)

Related Homilies: Now I know why you had to do it: a Christmas Parable

mp3 meditation: Baby Jesus surrounded by the animals (quality reduced)

Day Mass Gospel related: Taking Jesus home 2020

stories for Christmas

Light of Jesus

Inexplicable light in form of embryo in Guadalupe

Sunday in the Octave of Christmas: The Holy Family

When Christmas Day falls on Sunday, the Holy Family is celebrated on December 30.

Helping our family 2023

The Holy Family and our families 2021

With Mary and Joseph turned towards Jesus 2017

The Holy Family and our families 2015

The Holy Family: held together by love through all their challenges

God’s plan for the family: a reflection of God’s love

Related Homilies: The marriage of Mary and Joseph

Bear with one another charitably: love your children

The truly great ones of this world: those who love and serve 2015

What God has joined together man must not divide

Year B: Handing Jesus over to the Father in the temple 2023

stories about family

January 1: Mary, the Mother of God

Mary, Mother of God, loves us all equally 2023

Mary, Mother of God 2017

Mary, Mother of God, and our Mother 2018

Related Homilies: Mother of God

Homilies on Our Lady

January 6: Epiphany of Our Lord

Transferred to the Second Sunday after Christmas in many regions

Parallel Universes 2024

Jesus first and center 2022

God will win the battle against evil 2021

The gift of our love for Jesus 2020

The events of the Epiphany played out today 2013

Jesus’ birth revealed to the nations by a star because Jesus is Savior of all 2007

From star reading, horoscopes, and astrology to worshiping Jesus

Baby Jesus, the Wise Men and Herod (also in mp3 meditation reduced quality)

stories for Christmas

Second Sunday after Christmas

In many regions the Epiphany of Our Lord is celebrated on this Sunday and when Christmas Day falls on Sunday, the Second Sunday after Christmas is either Epiphany of Our Lord or Baptism of Our Lord depending on your region.

The Word became flesh 2022

Taking Jesus home 2020

Now I know why you had to do it: a Christmas Parable

God does care about you: the Word became flesh and lived among us

Who are you? 2021

Second Reading see Enlightened to our calling and destiny

stories for Christmas

First Sunday: Baptism of Our Lord

Transferred to Monday in many regions

Deepening our unity with Jesus since baptism 2023

Jesus’ solidarity with us 2021

United with Jesus since baptism 2020

The baptism of Jesus: every grace in the Church comes from Jesus 2011

Sharing in the salvific effects of Jesus’ cross through baptism 2009

Like Jesus you were anointed with the Holy Spirit at baptism

Sons and daughters of our Father since our baptism

Year C: Jesus was baptized and we are baptized, Jesus prayed and we pray 2013

Year C: Jesus with us 2022

Related Homilies: Baptism changes the quality of our souls forever 2011

Professing our faith with the Apostles’ Creed during baptism

Dove at Jesus’ baptism 2018

February 2: The Presentation of Our Lord

Meeting Jesus like Simeon and Anna 2020

Jesus the fulfillment of Simeon’s and Israel’s hopes 2016

The Presentation of Jesus in the temple: the new priesthood and pure sacrifice 2010

Related Homilies: Handing Jesus over to the Father in the temple 2023

on the Holy Family The Holy Family

March 17th- St Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick: prepared by God for his mission 2021

St. Patrick: what we learn of him from his own writings

St. Patrick specially chosen by God to transform Ireland

St. Patrick: similar to biblical figures and a challenge to us 2006

Gospel: The Seventy(-two) 2010

Related: St. Patrick's Breastplate

March 25th- Annunciation

Related Homilies: Mary carried Jesus and wants to carry you to heaven 2023

Mary Full of Grace 2023

Jesus came because Mary surrendered to God

Mary’s “Amen”

Saying “Yes” to Jesus’ invitation to allow Him into our Lives

Homilies on Our Lady

mp3 meditation (quality reduced)

Holy Week

See Holy Week Homilies

Easter Sunday

Jesus here with us 2024

Jesus with us though invisible 2021

Jesus’ Resurrection shows He is the Answer to our Questions 2016

Jesus Continues in the Church 2015

Christ is Risen! 2011

Jesus Risen is the Light of the World 2008

Jesus’ Resurrection reminds us of the glorious future awaiting us

Related Homilies: Jesus Did Rise on Easter Sunday! 2021

excerpts of funeral homilies

belief in the resurrection (excerpt of funeral homily)

cloth over Jesus’ head, The Sudarium

stories about the next life and death

Second Sunday of Easter

Jesus always waiting for us 2023

Trust in Jesus’ Mercy and Love 2022

Christ invites us to his Sacred Heart 2013

Jesus’ Resurrection and the New Covenant 2008

The joy of faith in Jesus 2006

Why confess sins to a priest? 2006 (excerpt of above homily)

Trust, Surrender, Believe, Receive

Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe

Related Homilies: Jesus Did Rise on Easter Sunday! 2021

Divine Mercy 2008

Homilies on God’s mercy

stories about faith

First Holy Communion

First Holy Communion

Related: Little Nellie of Holy God longing for the Eucharist

The Ascension of Our Lord

Praying for the Holy Spirit after Jesus’ Ascension 2021

Gathered around Our Lady after Jesus’ Ascension 2018

Enlightened to our calling and destiny

Year A: Students in the school of Jesus 2023

Year B: Jesus is present in his Church after his Ascension 2006

Year C: Jesus’ Ascension: Jesus with us in a new nearness 2022

Related Homilies: Waiting in prayer for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Seventh Sunday of Easter

Waiting in prayer for the Holy Spirit: intercessory prayer

Related Homilies: Gathered around Our Lady after Jesus’ ascension 2018

Praying together before Pentecost 2021

Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost: the Holy Spirit comes to us in the sacraments 2024

Pentecost: Proud to be Catholic 2021

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

God rich in mercy, Redeemer of man, Giver of life 2024

Year A: The Holy Trinity rescuing us 2023

We are drawn into the love at the heart of the Trinity

Tear B: The Most Holy Trinity: God wants the best for us 2021

We belong to the Holy Trinity since baptism

Year C: Father who sought me, Son who bought me, Spirit who taught me

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)

The Eucharist: the greatest gift 2023

The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and Eucharistic Miracles

Year A: Meet Jesus in his Real Presence in the Eucharist 2008

Year B: Hungry for Jesus 2024

Jesus’ continuing presence with us in the Eucharist 2021

Year C: Is Jesus in the Eucharist the center of your life? 2007

Related Homilies: Homilies on the Eucharist

Stories about the Eucharist

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Related Homilies: Jesus’ Sacred Heart and his Revelations to St. Margaret Mary 2020

Love flows from the Sacred Heart of Jesus to us: Cor ad cor loquitur 2019

Sacred Heart of Jesus in Auschwitz 2019

Christ invites us to his Sacred Heart 2013

Sacred Heart of Jesus: Eucharistic Miracles

Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Related Homilies: Role of Mary in our redemption 2024

June 24: The Nativity of Saint of John the Baptist

John the Baptist preaching the Truth and pointing to Jesus

Related Homilies: Jesus baptized by John 2023

Preparing a way for the Lord 2017

On the move to John the Baptist 2015

The voice preceding the Word 2013

June 29: Saints Peter and Paul

Saints Peter and Paul

Related Homilies: on Saint Peter

Peter grew to accept the Cross 2011

Saint Peter healing scandal and strengthening the flock 2010

You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church 2008

Cathedra of Saint Peter 2007

Jesus forgives Peter and restores him

on Saint Paul:

Paul and suffering 2021

Timothy 2016

Paul as spiritual father to his converts 2014

Paul transformed

August 6: The Transfiguration of Our Lord

Prayer: entering the love of Jesus 2023

Listen to Jesus even as he predicts his passion and death! 2006

Related Homilies: Jesus’ transfiguration: a lesson in prayer 2016

Jesus’ transfiguration reminds us who we are and not to be negative

Jesus always ready to forgive 2023

stories about light of Jesus and light in Guadalupe

August 15: The Assumption of Our Lady

Our Lady Clothed with the Sun, Standing on the Moon 2021

Our Lady Ark of the New Covenant 2018

Mary the Ark of the Covenant Assumed into Heaven intercedes for us 2007

Assumption of Our Lady and the Rosary

Assumption of Our Lady and her house in Ephesus

First Reading Revelation 12 and Our Lady of Guadalupe 2006

First Reading Jesus in Mary’s womb in Guadalupe 2008

Related: Our Lady releasing souls from Purgatory 2008

Homilies on Our Lady

Related: Four Marian Dogmas (end of pdf)

September 14: Exaltation of the Cross

See Homilies for Good Friday

November 1: Solemnity of All Saints

The saints: our intercessors 2021

The saints: friends in heaven interceding for us 2020

The saints, transformed in heaven, see God 2018

United with the saints in heaven during this Mass 2006

The saints remind us who we are

The saints have reproduced in their lives Jesus’ victory over evil

The communion of saints and our glorious future

Gospel: Homilies on the Beatitudes

Second Reading related: Love of God for us 2009

stories about saints and Halloween

November 2: Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls)

Purgatory: fixing what is broken 2023

Homily Excerpt: Praying for the souls in purgatory

Stories about praying for the dead

November 9: Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran

Dedication of the Basilica of St. John Lateran, mother of all churches

United around our Holy Father’s Cathedra, his Teaching Office 2007


Thanksgiving Day 2018