On this page I have gathered homilies from various pages throughout the site on selected themes in alphabetical order. For all homilies on all topics, see the Archive of Homilies.


The Immaculate Conception of Our Lady implicit in Sacred Scripture 2023

From atheism to Catholicism 2023

Jesus did rise on Easter Sunday! 2021

Why are Catholic priests called “Father”? 2014

Why confess sins to a priest?

Carrying our Cross

Jesus with us carrying our cross 2024

Offering our Sufferings to Jesus and Mary 2021

Jesus on the cross teaching us how to respond to unjust suffering 2015

Professing our faith by how we live 2012

Peter grew to accept the cross 2011

The Christian meaning of human suffering 2008

Taking up our Cross after Jesus

Growing to accept our cross

See homilies below on suffering


Church willed by the Father 2024

One, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church 2023

Jesus continues in the Church 2015

The Church of Jesus Christ is never my Church but always his Church 2012

Church structure arising out of Jesus’ prayer 2011

Every grace in the Church comes from Jesus 2011

All the Life and Grace in the Church come from Christ 2010

The Growth of the Early Church under Apostolic Authority 2009

You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church 2008

Jesus is present in his Church after his Ascension 2006

Church of the Eucharist

Jesus the Bridegroom loves the Church his Bride

We are called to live community forming one body


Forgiveness 2023

Love your enemies 2023

Not “eye for eye” but “love for eye2020

Forgiving 2019

Loving and forgiving enemies 2011

Jesus is our model in forgiving others 2011

Love your enemies

God’s Love of us

Freedom in Jesus for the better life he offers you 2024

Scandalized not knowing the Love of God 2024

As the Father loves me, so I also love you 2024

God’s love for us and our love for Jesus 2022

Jesus’ love for you 2021

Getting to know God’s love 2021

As the Father loves Jesus, so Jesus loves us 2021

God’s love for us: Jesus’ Sacred Heart 2020

Remain in My Love 2018

God’s love for you is out of this world 2015

God’s love for you 2009


Going to Jesus, speaking with Jesus, and being healed 2019

Saved by Jesus 2016

Jesus is waiting for You 2015

When you have problems, go to Jesus 2015

Meet Jesus and be lifted up by him! 2015

Prayer is good for you: keep praying

Let Jesus dispose of the garbage caused by sin

We have faith in the power of Jesus to heal us and pick us up

Jesus our healer heals us through Mass and the sacraments

Five stages of healing

Homilies on the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Loving and Helping Others

Loving our neighbor and being filled with God’s light 2018

Love one another just as I have loved you 2013

Do it anyway 2007

Our treasure in heaven will be our corporal works of mercy

Seeing Jesus in others

St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa)

Bear with one another charitably

stories about helping others

Our Lady

Role of Mary in our redemption 2024

Mary carried Jesus and wants to carry you to heaven 2023

The Immaculate Conception of Our Lady implicit in Sacred Scripture 2023

Mary, Mother of God, loves us all equally 2023

Our Lady Clothed with the Sun, Standing on the Moon 2021

Mary stood beside Jesus’ Cross 2021

Our Lady Conceived without Sin 2020

Mary, Mother of God, and our Mother 2018

Our Lady Ark of the New Covenant 2018

Mary, Mother of God 2017

Our Tainted Nature’s Solitary Boast 2016

Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the Woman of the New Covenant 2013

Mary the Ark of the Covenant Assumed into Heaven intercedes for us 2007

Our Lady of Guadalupe Conquered the Serpent 2006

Mary interceded at the Wedding at Cana and continues to be our Advocate

God made a gathering of all graces called Mary

Jesus came because Mary surrendered to God and said “Yes”

Assumption of Our Lady and the Rosary

Assumption of Our Lady and her house in Ephesus

Immaculate Conception and the Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Immaculate Conception of Our Lady and the Miraculous Medal

Immaculate Conception of Our Lady

Mary’s “Amen”

Saying “Yes” to Jesus’ invitation to allow him into our lives


Prayer is the secret of a truly vital Christianity 2023

Prayer: entering the love of Jesus 2023

God is waiting to answer us 2023

Prayer: spending time with God 2022

Arise from darkness 2020

Mary at the feet of Jesus: Consecrated Contemplative Life 2010

Only by admitting our sin to God like the tax collector can we receive God’s Peace 2010

Prayer can change the course of future events and when we pray we touch God 2007

The rosary: contemplating Christ with Mary

Why pray when God knows what you want?

Prayer is good for your health, continue in prayer as Jesus asked us

Persisting in prayer like the Canaanite woman and St. Monica

Our Lady is depending on your rosary

Waiting in Prayer: Intercessory Prayer

Jesus prayed the Psalms daily and prayer satisfies our longings

Martha, Mary and Prayer

Family Prayer

stories about prayer

Sacred Scripture

Become what you read 2022

Jesus Christ can change your life 2021

Reading Sacred Scripture in its context 2021

Meeting Jesus in the Gospels 2020

Remaining in the word of Jesus 2019

Responding to the Word of God 2008

They have the Scriptures; let them listen to them!

Your Word is a lamp for my steps and a light for my path

Scripture in the liturgy

The Book of Revelation / Apocalypse 2023

Scripture Commentary: venerating Scripture PDF (see last page)


Suffering: moving from “why?” to rebuilding 2024

Waiting in Prayer for God’s Answer 2022

During suffering, turn to God more than ever 2022

Offering our sufferings to Jesus and Mary 2021

Trusting in God while suffering 2021

Jesus is with us in the boat: trust him 2021

Turn to Jesus when suffering 2021

Allow God to meet you when you suffer and be transformed 2016

Jesus on the cross teaching us how to respond to unjust suffering 2015

The Christian meaning of human suffering 2008

Growing through trials like Peter

Our faith helps us to endure suffering

Responses to blaming God for suffering

Jesus always waiting for us 2023

During suffering, turn to God more than ever 2022

see also above homilies on carrying our cross


Turning everything to Good (Rom 8:28)

Return thanking God for the good that his mercy will draw out of our fault 2024

Allow good to come out of evil 2022

Trusting in God while suffering 2021

Arise from darkness 2020

Turning Bad to Good 2018

God turns everything to good for those who love him 2011

Jesus can turn everything in our lives to good 2007


Our Deepest Desire and Jesus’ Call to Us 2015

Levi’s/Matthew’s Vocation came from Jesus, not from the opinion of others 2014

Come after me: call of the disciples 2014

It’s okay to have nothing and be unworthy - Jesus does the rest 2011

Church structure arising out of Jesus’ prayer 2011

Consecrated Contemplative Life 2010

People in the Bible Answering their Vocations 2006

Does Jesus’ command to the man to sell everything apply to us also? 2006

Jesus called the Twelve to be with him

If Jesus could use the Twelve apostles with their weaknesses, he can use us

Answering God’s Call: Vocation stories in the Bible

Letter of Pope Benedict XVI to Seminarians, October 18, 2010

Homilies on Priesthood

stories about priesthood