Year B Homilies
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Advent 1 Advent 2 Dec 8 Advent 3 Advent 4
Christmas Holy Family Jan 1 Epiphany Baptism
2 3 4 5 Lent 1 Lent 2 Lent 3 Lent 4 Lent5 Palm
Easter Easter 2 Easter 3 Easter4 Easter 5 Easter 6
Ascension Pentecost Holy Trinity Corpus Christi
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 Assumption 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31 All Saints 32 33 34

If anything among the following helps

First Sunday of Advent

God is the answer 2023

Getting in line to see Jesus 2020

Be watchful! Be alert! Turn to Jesus 2008

Advent: waiting in patient hope for God

Related: Advent: preparing our hearts for the the Second Coming of Jesus

stories about Advent

Second Sunday of Advent

Jesus is the answer 2023

O come, O come Emmanuel and ransom captive Israel 2020

Longing for God 2017

Prepare the way of the Lord: Christ will come again 2008

God is waiting for you!

Related Homilies: Making room for Jesus in our hearts during Advent 2015

God is offering you a grace this Advent

Advent: preparing our hearts for the the Second Coming of Jesus

Third Sunday of Advent

God with us 2020

Only in God are true and lasting happiness and joy 2008

Related Homilies: God is offering you a grace this Advent

Advent: preparing our hearts for the the Second Coming of Jesus

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Mary carried Jesus and wants to carry you to heaven 2023

God is faithful to his promises whatever happens 2020

Jesus came because Mary surrendered to God and said “Yes”

Mary’s “Amen”

Saying “Yes” to Jesus’ invitation to allow him into our lives

Related Homilies: Mary full of grace

God made a gathering of all graces called Mary

Homilies on Our Lady

Christmas Season

See homilies in Years A, B, and C

First Sunday: Baptism of Our Lord

See in Baptism of Our Lord in Years A, B, and C

Second Sunday

What are you looking for? 2024

Related Homilies: Behold Jesus the Lamb of God who takes away our sins 2020

Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world 2008

Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away our sins

Homilies on vocation

Second reading: It is the Spirit that gives life; the flesh has nothing to offer

stories about vocation

Third Sunday

Repentance meets the mercy and love of God 2024

Being formed and changed by the Word of God 2021

Repent and be happy! 2018

Our deepest desire and Jesus’ call to us 2015

Following Jesus begins in your mind

Related Homilies: Earlier call of the first disciples in John’s Gospel 2024

Homilies on Vocation

stories about repentance  conversion  vocation

Sunday of the Word of God

Homilies on Sacred Scripture

Fourth Sunday

Possessed by God 2024

Freed by Jesus 2021

There is still a bit of the devil in us! Jesus must increase 2009

Fifth Sunday

Turn to Jesus when suffering 2021

Meet Jesus and be lifted up by him! 2015

Jesus our healer heals us through Mass and the sacraments

Related Homilies: Homilies on healing

Homilies on suffering

Praying early in the morning

First Reading antidote: Attitudes healed

Sixth Sunday

Suffering: moving from “why?” to rebuilding 2024

Jesus became like a leper for us all 2021

We are called to live community forming one body

Related Homilies: Father Damien in the leper colony on Molokai

Homilies on healing

Homilies on suffering

Seventh Sunday

Let Jesus dispose of the garbage caused by sin

Related: Homilies on God’s mercy

Homilies on healing

stories about God’s mercy  sin

Eighth Sunday

Jesus the bridegroom loves the Church his bride

Related Homilies: Jesus is the new wine in new wineskins expanding our vision

stories about God’s love for us

Ninth Sunday

Keeping Sunday Holy

Related Homilies: The New Covenant sabbath: Sunday, the Lord’s Day

First Sunday of Lent

Refocusing on Jesus during Lent 2024

Setting our navigation system towards God 2021

There is One Lord and Savior: Jesus Christ 2018

Related Homilies: From ashes to new life with Jesus 2020

Jesus our model for Lent 2013

Overcoming temptation and sin during Lent because we love Jesus 2008

Dying and rising with Jesus during Lent

Reliving the temptations of Jesus

Praying, fasting and almsgiving during Lent

Jesus’ call to repentance: Repentance meets the mercy and love of God 2024

Repent and be happy! 2018

stories for Lent

Old Testament Readings during Lent

Second Sunday of Lent

Trusting in God while waiting 2024

Listen to Jesus 2021

Related Homilies: Prayer: entering the love of Jesus 2023

Jesus always ready to forgive 2023

Jesus’ transfiguration: a lesson in prayer 2016

Listen to Jesus even as he predicts his passion and death! 2006

Jesus’ transfiguration reminds us who we are and not to be negative

Second Reading: Jesus pleading for us at God’s right hand

stories about light of Jesus and light in Guadalupe

Third Sunday of Lent

Jesus, the Lamb of God, takes away our sins 2021

The ten commandments forming our conscience

Related homilies: Gospel: Jesus is the way to the Father 2022

Jesus replaced the temple 2010

First Reading: on the commandments see homilies for 22nd Sunday Year B

stories about the commandments

Scripture Commentary on Jesus’ justified anger

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Jesus lifted up on the Cross for our Salvation 2021

Related: light came into the world Inexplicable light in form of embryo in Guadalupe

Light of Jesus on the shroud of Turin

Second reading: saved by grace through faith

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Jesus, the grain of wheat, died to harvest us 2021

The sanctifying grace of the New Covenant 2009

Jesus’ hour of glory: God’s thinking versus ours

Related: Gospel Andrew 2024

First reading: New Covenant

Holy Week

See Holy Week Homilies

Easter Sunday

See Easter Sunday in Homilies for Years ABC

Second Sunday of Easter

See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Third Sunday of Easter

Jesus did rise on Easter Sunday! 2021

Jesus’ forgiveness flows to us from the cross 2006

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Salvation only through Jesus 2024

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, laid down his life for us 2021

Jesus the Good Shepherd carries us on his shoulder and lays down his life for us 2006

Related Homilies: Gospel: Jesus laying down his life: Gethsemane and crucifixion

Good Shepherds laying down their lives: St. Damien of Molokai and St. Patrick

Homilies on Vocation

Second Reading: Love of God for us 2009

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Remain in Jesus 2024

Bear fruit: our love is not to be just words

Related Homilies: Remaining in Jesus’ word 2019

Remain in my love 2017

Homilies on prayer

Sixth Sunday of Easter

As the Father loves me, so I also love you 2024

As the Father loves Jesus, so Jesus loves us 2021

Remain in my love 2018

The sacrificial love of Jesus and the miraculous crucifix of Limpias

Related Homilies: Homilies on God’s love for us and loving others

Remaining in Jesus’ Word 2019

God’s covenantal love for us 2010

Loving others as Jesus loved us

Jesus the bridegroom loves the Church his bride

on laying down one’s life, see St. Damien of Molokai and St. Patrick


See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Seventh Sunday of Easter

See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Pentecost Sunday

See homilies for Years A, B, and C

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Corpus Christi

See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Second Reading: Jesus High Priest of the New Covenant 2007

Tenth Sunday

Jesus and Mary crushing the head of the serpent 2024

Related Homilies: Possessed by God 2024

First Reading: Where are you? 

Eleventh Sunday

Jesus yearns to have everyone in his kingdom 2021

Twelfth Sunday

Jesus is with us in the boat: trust him 2021

Related Homilies: Amazing Grace that saved a Wretch like Me!

Growing through Trials like Peter

First Reading: on Job

stories about faith

Footprints in the Sand

Thirteenth Sunday

Trusting in God while suffering 2021

When you have problems, go to Jesus 2015

We have faith in the power of Jesus to heal us and pick us up

Related Homilies: Homilies on healing

Homilies on suffering

Homilies on turning everything to good

Fourteenth Sunday

Scandalized not knowing the Love of God 2024

Heart open to Jesus 2021

Accepting Jesus into our house and heart 2018

Jesus could work no miracle because they rejected him

Related Homilies: Second Reading Carrying our cross

Gospel: Commentary The Brothers and Sisters of Jesus

Fifteenth Sunday

Freedom in Jesus for the better life he offers you 2024

Welcoming God into our lives 2021

Chosen to be holy and spotless in Christ

Jesus continues to minister to us through his priests 2012

Related Homilies: on rejection of the word of God, see Fourteenth Sunday above

Second Reading: Chosen by God

Sixteenth Sunday

Jesus cries for those who are lost 2024

The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want 2012

Serving others and mental health

Related Homilies: on the Psalm The Lord is my shepherd

on the disciples resting Slow down to enjoy life and hear Jesus

Homilies on helping others  stories about helping others

Seventeenth Sunday

On Sundays 17-21, we interrupt reading Mark to read John 6, the Eucharistic Chapter.

Multiplication anticipates Eucharist 2024

From multiplication to transubstantiation 2021

God offers us more than we can imagine 2006

Jesus expands our small vision to his limitless vision

Bear with one another through love: love your children

Related Homilies: Give to Jesus and he gives to us

Homilies on the Eucharist  Stories about the Eucharist

Eighteenth Sunday

Jesus, the Bread of Life 2024

Jesus is the Bread of Life and his words our nourishment 2021

Keep me company in the Blessed Sacrament

Related Homilies: Jesus’ sermon on the Eucharist 2011

Homilies on the Eucharist  Stories about the Eucharist

Nineteenth Sunday

Jesus, the Bread who gives life 2024

Jesus gives his Flesh for the life of the world 2021

Church of the Eucharist

Stop complaining

Related Homilies: Jesus’ sermon on the Eucharist 2011

Homilies on the Eucharist  Stories about the Eucharist

Twentieth Sunday

Holy Communion: the highest union 2024

Little Nellie of Holy God longing for the Eucharist

Taste and see the goodness of the Lord

Related Homilies: Jesus’ sermon on the Eucharist 2011

Homilies on the Eucharist  Stories about the Eucharist

Twenty-First Sunday

Deciding for God gives freedom 2012

It is the Spirit that gives life while the flesh is of no avail

second reading related: Scripture Commentary Husbands and Wives

Twenty-Second Sunday

Self-abandonment to God is my only guide 2024

Being friends with God by living his commandments 2021

Jesus’ prescription for holiness and purity 2012

The commandments: God’s navigational guidance

Related Homilies: Eat what you want but love your neighbor! 2011

Food laws annulled 2019

The ten commandments forming our conscience

stories about the commandments

Twenty-Third Sunday

Jesus restores us to God’s plan for us 2024

Be opened 2021

Jesus is waiting for you 2015

Ephphatha: Jesus raises us to a new level 2012

Eyes open to Jesus and ears unsealed to his Good News

Slow down to enjoy life and hear Jesus

Related Homilies: Jesus our Healer

Twenty-Fourth Sunday

Jesus with us carrying our cross 2024

Offering our sufferings to Jesus and Mary 2021

Jesus took our sins on himself 2018

Professing our faith by how we live 2012

Do we live the faith we profess or run from the cross? 2006

Taking up our cross after Jesus

Related: Homilies on carrying our cross  stories about our cross

Second Reading: faith and works Saved by Jesus and doing the will of the Father 2008

Twenty-Fifth Sunday

Seek first the kingdom of God 2024

Living united with Jesus 2021

Jesus on the cross teaching us how to respond to unjust suffering 2015

The Curé of Ars: the last becomes first

If anyone wants to be first he must be servant of all

Twenty-Sixth Sunday

If your hand should cause you to sin cut it off!

Twenty-Seventh Sunday

Married Love 2021

Marriage is a School of Love and Forgiveness

What God has joined together man must not divide

Related Homilies: The Church’s Teaching on Marriage

God’s Plan for the Family

Twenty-Eighth Sunday

Treasure in Heaven 2021

Does Jesus’ command to the man to sell everything apply to us also? 2006

Related Homilies: Our Treasure in Heaven will be our Corporal Works of Mercy

Vocations in the Bible: Answering God’ Call

Second Reading: homilies on Sacred Scripture

stories about money

Twenty-Ninth Sunday

Jesus paid the ransom for our sins 2021

Jesus gave his life as an offering for our sin and bore our guilt 2012

The Truly Great Ones of this World - Those who Love and Serve 2015

Related Homilies: see Homilies above for Twenty-Fifth Sunday

Death of the apostles (excerpt)

Second Reading: humanity of Jesus

First Reading: Jesus’ suffering as revealed by the Shroud of Turin

Thirtieth Sunday

Why pray when God knows what we want? - The Healing of Bartimaeus

Related Homilies: Homilies on healing

Have faith during crises

Thirty-First Sunday

Loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength 2021

Loving God and Loving our Neighbor as Ourselves 2018

Related Homilies: Loving God with all our heart and our neighbor as ourselves

Loving God and neighbor 2020

If You Love Me You Will Keep my Commandments

Pagan practices versus loving God with all our heart

on love of neighbor: Homilies on loving and helping others

Second Reading Related: Old Testament priests and the Priesthood of Jesus 2009

stories about loving God and loving neighbor as oneself

Thirty-Second Sunday

God looks at the Heart 2021

What motivates you? God's Love for you or your love of yourself? 2009

Related Homilies: We do not need false appearances because we are citizens of heaven

First Reading Give to Jesus and he gives to us

Thirty-Third Sunday

The heavens and earth will pass away but not Jesus' words and sacrifice 2021

Thirty-Fourth Sunday: Our Lord Jesus Christ the King

Jesus Christ our King - King of our Minds and King of our Actions

Good Citizens of Our Country but God’s Servants First - Jesus is Our King 2006

Related Homilies: Christ - a Powerless King