Year A Homilies
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6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 Assumption 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31 All Saints 32 33 34

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First Sunday of Advent

Build your future on God 2022

Wake from sleep and be clothed in Christ 2016

Related: Advent: preparing our hearts for the the Second Coming of Jesus

Second Reading Related: St. Augustine converted reading this text of Romans

stories about Advent

Second Sunday of Advent

Pure wheat before Jesus 2010

The Peace of Jesus 2007
Related Homilies: Making room for Jesus in our hearts during Advent 2015

God is offering you a grace this Advent

Advent: preparing our hearts for the the Second Coming of Jesus

Third Sunday of Advent

Disciples of Jesus 2022

Related Homilies: God is offering you a grace this Advent

Advent: preparing our hearts for the the Second Coming of Jesus

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Joseph, Man of Faith, and Patron of the Church

First Reading background Trust in the Lord for his Blessing 2018

Christmas Season

See homilies in Years A, B and C

First Sunday: Baptism of Our Lord

See in Baptism of Our Lord in Years A, B, and C

Second Sunday

Behold Jesus the Lamb of God who takes away our sins 2020

Baptism changes the quality of our souls forever 2011

Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world 2008

Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away our sins

Can you see Jesus in the crowd?

Related Homilies: The dove at Jesus’ baptism 2018

Baptism of Our Lord

On taking away the sins of the world: homilies on the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Third Sunday

From darkness to the light of Jesus 2017

Come after me: call of the disciples 2014

Leave the boat and build up God’s kingdom

Related: Homilies on Vocation

Second Reading Related: The Church is never my Church but always Jesus’ Church

stories about vocation

Sunday of the Word of God

Meeting Jesus in the Gospels 2020

Homilies on Sacred Scripture

Fourth Sunday

The beatitudes show us the heart of God 2011

Jesus’ prescription for happiness: the beatitudes

Jesus lived the beatitudes perfectly 2008

Related Homilies: Jesus’ description of happiness

stories about about reversals

stories: dialogue on the Beatitudes

Fifth Sunday

You are precious to Jesus 2023

Keeping your taste and letting the light of Jesus shine 2020

Salt and light

Sixth Sunday

Loving with the heart, not just fulfilling obligations 2020

Related Homilies: Jesus did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it 2013

Jesus completed and perfected the Law and can complete and perfect us 2014

If your hand should cause you to sin cut it off: avoiding occasions of sin

What God has joined together, man must not divide


Seventh Sunday

Love your enemies 2023

Not “eye for eye” but “love for eye2020

Loving and forgiving enemies 2011

Related homilies: Homilies on forgiving others

Love one another just as I have loved you 2013

stories about reconciliation  human forgiveness  God’s mercy

Eighth Sunday

Related Homilies: Do not be afraid: Jesus is our model in coping with anxiety 2008

Slow down to enjoy life and hear Jesus

Homilies for the Sixteenth Sunday Year C

First Reading: God will never forget us: motherly description of God’s love 2007

stories about worry/anxiety  trust in God  time

First Sunday of Lent

Pray to overcome evil 2023

From ashes to new life with Jesus 2020

Overcoming temptation and giving up sin during Lent because we love Jesus 2008

Dying and rising with Jesus during Lent

Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving during Lent

Related Homilies: Refocusing on Jesus during Lent 2024

Jesus our model for Lent 2013

Jesus assisted by angels 2021

Reliving the temptations of Jesus

stories for Lent

Old Testament Readings during Lent

Second Sunday of Lent

Jesus always ready to forgive 2023

Jesus’ transfiguration reminds us who we are and not to be negative

Related Homilies: Listen to Jesus even as he predicts his passion and death!

Prayer: entering the love of Jesus 2023

Jesus’ transfiguration: a lesson in prayer 2016

Listen to Jesus

stories about light of Jesus light in Guadalupe

Third Sunday of Lent

The Living Water of Jesus 2020

God has a plan that we find our identity in Christ 2011

Putting the picture of Jesus back together again during Lent 2008

Drink the Living Water of Jesus and you will never again thirst

stories about conversion

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Jesus, the Light of the World 2023

We have washed in the Siloam of Baptism and we believe in Jesus 2014

Jesus touches you when you receive the sacraments 2008

on the Psalm: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want

Jesus is the Good Shepherd

stories about light of Jesus  light in Guadalupe  divine light

Fifth Sunday of Lent

Sharing in Jesus’ resurrection 2023

Eternal life is now if you believe in Jesus 2017

Jesus invites you to see life in a new way and live with his life now 2008

Come out of your tomb, be unbound and set free

Holy Week to Easter Sunday

See Holy Week Homilies

Second Sunday of Easter

See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Third Sunday of Easter

Meeting Jesus at Mass 2023

We meet Jesus at Mass like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus 2008

Attitudes Healed on the Road to Emmaus by meeting Jesus

Related Homilies: We are the Disciples on the Road to Emmaus 2013

Homilies on the Eucharist

Fourth Sunday of Easter

United with Jesus our Good Shepherd 2023

Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Related Homilies: The Lord is my Shepherd, there is nothing I shall want 2012

Homilies on Vocation

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life 2023

Trust in God

Related Homilies: Jesus is the way to the Father 2022

Sixth Sunday of Easter

The Spirit of God leads us to the truth about the world and ourselves 2023

If you love me you will keep my commandments

Related Homilies: Loving God with all our heart and loving our neighbor as ourselves

Loving God and loving our neighbor as ourselves 2018


See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Seventh Sunday of Easter

See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Pentecost Sunday

See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Corpus Christi

See homilies in Years A, B, and C

Ninth Sunday

Saved by Jesus and doing the will of the Father 2008

Tenth Sunday

Related Homilies: Levi’s/Matthew’s Vocation 2014

Homilies on Vocation; Homilies on God’s mercy

stories about God’s forgiveness

Scripture Commentary: Jesus’ ministry to those on the margins

Eleventh Sunday

One, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church 2023

The ministerial priesthood serving the priesthood of all the faithful 2008

Cure the sick, raise the dead, drive out demons

Related Homilies: Homilies on PriesthoodHomilies on Vocation

Second Reading Related: Love of God for us 2009

Twelfth Sunday

Do not be afraid: Jesus is our model in coping with anxiety 2008

Declaring ourselves for Jesus in the presence of others

Related Homilies: Taking a stand for Jesus

stories about witnessing to Jesus

Thirteenth Sunday

Related: Homilies on carrying our cross

stories about our cross

Fourteenth Sunday

Come to Jesus: his yoke is easy and light 2008

Come to me all you who labor and are burdened

Related Homilies: Jesus’ prayer is a model for our prayer 2018

Jesus’ yoke is easy and his burden light 2018

Jesus’ yoke and burden

Fifteenth Sunday

Producing fruit for Jesus 2023

We need spiritual cardiac surgery to be fertile soil for Jesus’ words 2008

May the Word Jesus sows in us produce fruit

Related: Homilies on the Word of God

Second Reading Related: Faith in the resurrection enables us to endure suffering

Stories: Parable of the Sower (a dialogue)

Sixteenth Sunday

Only good things come from God 2023

Remove your weeds instead of judging others’ weeds 2008

Stories: Weeds among the wheat: God’s infinite mercy (a dialogue)

Seventeenth Sunday

Jesus and Mary our treasure 2023

God turns everything to good for those who love him 2011

Jesus is our treasure

Second Reading Related: Homilies on turning everything to good

Eighteenth Sunday

Give to Jesus and he gives to you

Let Jesus feast with you!

Related Homilies: Jesus expands our small vision to his limitless vision

Homilies on the Eucharist  stories about the Eucharist

Nineteenth Sunday

God is waiting to answer us 2023

Growing through trials like Peter

Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me!

Trusting in Jesus when problems occur

stories about faith

Twentieth Sunday

Persisting in prayer like the Canaanite woman and Saint Monica

Related: on faith: Have faith during crises

Why pray when God knows what we want?

on healing We have faith in the power of Jesus to heal us and pick us up

stories about persistence

Scripture Commentary: Jesus’ ministry to those on the margins

Twenty-First Sunday

Spoiler alert! Evil will not prevail 2023

You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church 2008

Jesus the Messiah different than expected

You are the Christ, the Son of the living God

Related Homilies: Peter grew to consider suffering for Jesus an honor

stories about the Pope

Twenty-Second Sunday

Peter grew to accept the cross 2011

The Christian meaning of human suffering 2008

Related: Homilies on carrying our cross

mp3 meditation on Psalm 63

stories about our cross

stories about division

Twenty-Third Sunday

We belong to God 2023

Brotherly correction and love of neighbor 2008

Second Reading Related: Homilies on helping others

stories about reconciliation  helping others  seeing God in others

Twenty-Fourth Sunday

Forgiveness 2023

Jesus is our model in forgiving others 2011

Related Homilies: Homilies on forgiving others

stories about reconciliation  human forgiveness  God’s mercy

Twenty-Fifth Sunday

Always a welcome from God 2023

Life is Christ: a gift in the vineyard 2020

It’s never too late 2017

Called to labor in God’s vineyard 2014

Why be envious because God is generous?

Related: The joy of the Gospel 2021

We do not compare ourselves with others 2016

the last being first: Curé of Ars

Twenty-Sixth Sunday

All should bend the knee at the name of Jesus 2020

Do you only know about Jesus or do you know Jesus? 2008

Related Homilies: Some of each son in us 2007

Second Reading Related: Having the same attitude as Christ

Stories about conversion

Twenty-Seventh Sunday

Tenants of the Vineyard 2023

God’s love for us: Jesus’ Sacred Heart 2020

Guarding the Deposit of Faith and producing fruit for the Kingdom

Second Reading Related: Following Jesus begins in your mind

Twenty-Eighth Sunday

Called to be Chosen 2023

Answering God’s invitation to the banquet: Prayer 2020

Psalm Related: The Lord is my shepherd

The Lord Jesus is my shepherd

Twenty-Ninth Sunday

Giving to Caesar and to God 2023

Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God 2014

Thirtieth Sunday

Loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and our neighbor as ourselves 2023

Loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and our neighbor as ourselves 2020

Loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and our neighbor as ourselves

Related Homilies: Loving God and loving our neighbor as ourselves 2018

If you love me you will keep my commandments

Loving others as Jesus loved us

Homilies on helping others

Love your enemies

stories about helping others  seeing God in others  Do you love me?

Thirty-First Sunday

Jesus wants your commitment, time and love 2023

Have we not all one Father? The greatest among you must be your servant

Related Homilies: The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Priests are spiritual fathers 2014

Jesus’ love and burden  2019

Serving others and mental health

First Reading Related: Purification of the Old Testament Priesthood 2010

stories about service  humility

Thirty-Second Sunday

Oil for our lamps in readiness for the Lord 2023

Do you take the Lord as your God? I do 2020

Related Homilies: Stay awake, praying at all times

A priest’s near death experience

What God won’t ask

Thirty-Third Sunday

From Fear to Love 2023

Doubling our talents in loving relationship with our heavenly Father 2020

Now is an important and exciting time to double the talents 2011

Doubling talents: growing in virtue 2008

Thirty-Fourth Sunday: Our Lord Jesus Christ the King

The Blind Spot 2023

Jesus is king when we treat others well 2020

Our treasure in heaven will be our corporal works of mercy

Seeing Jesus in others

Related: Jesus is our king

Jesus a powerless king

Homilies on helping others

Psalm Related: The Lord is my shepherd

The Lord Jesus is my shepherd

stories about seeing God in others  helping others  service